The North East in Twelve Favourite Places 5: Wallington

Hexham-Wall-Chollerton-Thockrington-Kirkharle-Rothbury-Alnwick-Alnmouth. It
sounds like a list of stations on some sleepy Northumberland branch line before
Dr Beeching’s axe fell. In fact, these places all sit on a historic road that
linked Tynedale to the coast. It was called the Corn Road because in the eighteenth century, maybe before, the harvest of Tynedale was carried along it to the port
of Alnmouth from where it could be transported up, down or across the North
Sea. It was also known as the Alemouth Road, a street name that still exists in
If you want to avoid the main roads, it’s a pleasant scenic way
to drive to the north of the county. And among many points of interest along
the route is Wallington Hall. It’s one of my favourite places in
Northumberland, famous on no fewer than three counts: the house itself, its
marvellous garden, and the family who lived there.

Let’s start with the family or more accurately, families.
There were two big Northumbrian names associated with the estate’s early
history: the Fenwicks, and then the Blacketts who acquired it in the late seventeenth century. It was they who created the house as we now know it. But the name that
is indelibly linked with Wallington is not theirs but that of Trevelyan.
Originally from Cornwall, the Trevelyans came into ownership as a result of a
marriage into the Blackett family. The nineteenth century saw them rise to
a position of remarkable political and intellectual dominance in the nation.
Many will know the name of G. M. Trevelyan (George Macaulay T who died in 1962)
through his writings on history and biography. I remember the four volumes of
his English Social History in their
colourful dust jackets lining my parents’ bookshelves in my childhood. I still have
And what is so enjoyable at Wallington is the sense that this
is still essentially a family home. The Trevelyans bequeathed it to the
National Trust during the war, and it was opened to the public in 1968. It is
undeniably a grand house, but it is modest with it, genuine, humane. It feels
lived in, hospitable and for me anyway, the kind place you not only admire but love.
This may be to do with the Trevelyans’ politics. They were a forward-looking
family who believed that inherited wealth and privilege should not be used
selfishly but should benefit wider society. Which they did in support of a
number of important social and political causes such as the universal franchise.

They also had a strong sense of their place in history, not
least in North East England. One of the best of the many splendid rooms at
Wallington is the arcaded sitting room created by the Tyneside Victorian
architect John Dobson by roofing over the central courtyard. To decorate the
walls, the Trevelyans commissioned a series of eight murals by the Pre-Raphaelite
painter William Bell Scott. They depict scenes from Northumbrian history
including the Roman Wall, St Cuthbert being offered his bishopric, the death of
Bede, Grace Darling’s heroic sea-rescue, and heavy industry (“iron and coal”) on
Tyneside. The colours are as fresh and vivid as when they were painted. The saloon, dining room and library are
splendid too, as is the famous collection of dolls’ houses upstairs.
But for many visitors, best of all is the park that surrounds
the house. A good way of getting a sense of it is to follow the waymarked path that
takes you right round it. It includes extensive woodland (with snowdrops and
bluebells in profusion if you time it right), a stretch of the infant River
Wansbeck complete with James Paine’s beautiful little hump-bridge that you will
have crossed if you approached from the south (“sound your horn” warns the
sign: this elegant bridge is steep-sided and narrow by any standards). Not far
from the house is a hide, popular with bird-watchers. And if you are lucky, you
may glimpse red squirrels too (though I haven’t yet).

Even if you don’t visit the house, or do the long-ish walk,
on no account must you miss the much-loved walled garden. It is the star of the
show, possibly (Alnwick notwithstanding) the best garden in Northumberland if
you treasure naturalness and a sense of intimacy. You reach it by walking back from
the house under the beautiful cupola gateway to the courtyard, crossing the
road (carefully) and following the signs through the wood. What makes this
walled garden so beautiful is not simply the array of colour that adorns it
throughout the year, but how it has been cleverly landscaped to follow the
contours of the land as it drops away from the house. A stream flows from west
to east down the centre of the garden. This provides south-facing slopes that
in this sheltered environment support a marvellous variety of plant life.
The terrace above is overlooked by an owl perched on top of a
pavilion. Inside the conservatory is a marble fountain with an inscription
drawn from a Roman sarcophagus: “When wearied or overwrought by study and
affairs of business, repair to these haunts and refresh your mind by a stroll
amidst the flowers”. It’s good advice for anyone looking for physical and
spiritual renewal amid the stresses and strains of twenty-first century life. We
are fortunate here in Tynedale to have it so close at hand. And our very own Corn
Road to get us there.
Wallington is a National Trust property. For opening times, consult the NT website.
I like the sense of continuity Wallington represents. From pele tower to 18thc mansion. I am particularly attracted to the 18thc stucco designs glimpsed in the mirror image above. I seem to recall that the stucco artists were named Francini and also worked at Callaley, Blagdon, Lumley and Raby as well as in Ireland. The oval stucco frames containing mirrors can also be seen at Lumley Castle where the same moulds were used.