The North East in Twelve Favourite Places 2: Monkwearmouth
Last time I took you to a remote corner of Northumberland.
This month I want to visit a place that at first sight looks like the complete
opposite: the dense conurbation at the mouth of the River Wear that we know as
the city of Sunderland.
I am fond of the place. My wife’s family come from
Sunderland. We became engaged on the day in May 1973 when the Black Cats won
the Cup Final. How could her father refuse me on such an auspicious day? And
had they lost, he’d have been past caring anyway. In those days, shipbuilding
was still a major industry on Wearside. Now the huge installations are gone,
but not the proud memory of North Eastern ships that were famed all over the
You wouldn’t think that the city (as it has been since 1993)
is one of the North East’s most ancient places. It owes it all to a man named
Benedict Biscop, a Northumbrian Saxon monk who came to the north bank of the
Wear in 674 to found a monastery. He travelled to Rome no fewer than six times
to bring back books and manuscripts and the skills to build in stone, sing
plainchant and create stained glass. He went on to found the monastery at
Jarrow seven years later. But perhaps his greatest achievement was to introduce
the Venerable Bede to this “double monastery” and encourage him in his
scholarship. Benedict Biscop is now the city’s patron saint.
The mouth of the Wear is well worth a visit. The regeneration
of the estuary is impressive and makes for an enjoyable riverside walk. On the
north bank the National Glass Centre celebrates Sunderland’s long history of
glass making pioneered by Biscop. Nearby is the Monkwearmouth campus of
Sunderland University and – best of all – St Peter’s Church, and the remains of
Biscop’s monastery.
Not much is left of this great Saxon foundation, but what
remains they are! Set in a breezy grassy landscape surrounded by contemporary
buildings, you are acutely aware of the contrast between ancient and modern in
Sunderland. This to me is one of the delights of the city. The Saxon tower is
the jewel in the crown, still standing proud and holding its own against the
high rise flats and main roads nearby. Beneath the tower is the church porch
through which Bede himself must have walked hundreds of times. It’s moving to
walk there. When the sun is setting in the west, the Saxon architecture glows
with a golden light.
If you’ve caught the spirit of Bede (and who wouldn’t?), then
you’ll want to visit the twin Saxon church at Jarrow a few miles ago, and of
course Durham Cathedral where his tomb has been since 1022. I have an interest
in Durham, of course, having been Dean there for thirteen years. It was a huge
privilege to be the guardian of Bede’s bones. He is undoubtedly one of the
greatest people England has given birth to. And not just England, for Bede saw
himself as totally connected to European civilisation, both classical and
Christian. Sunderland may have voted decisively for Brexit, but at
Monkwearmouth you feel you are at the focus of a profoundly European vision of
While you are there, take a walk on the bracing sea front at
Roker. If you’re lucky, the wind will be in the east and the waves will be
hurling themselves furiously against the breakwater that defines the mouth of
the Wear. On winter days when it’s blowing a gale, you feel the full force of
the North Sea at Roker. It may feel like a quintessential suburb, but there
aren’t many suburbs in England where the sea is a force to be reckoned with.

A few streets back from the sea front you’ll find another
great church, St Andrew’s Roker. It was built in the early twentieth century
and is one of the country’s greatest monuments of the Arts and Crafts period.
There aren’t many modern churches of real distinction but this is one of them.
Like Saxon St Peter’s, it’s another church for Sunderland to be proud of. I’ve
always thought that this city is underrated. Which is why I’ve put it on my
personal list of favourite places in the North East.
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